Website Updated February.6.2025
We have sweet babies available!
Updated 3.5.2017
aa is black based
A is agouti based. Aa is Agouti carrying Black. AA is 2 copies of Agouti. You can put those codes in front of any color as needed depending on the rats genetics.
Black - aa - darker color and less silvering or rusting is achieved by fewer dilutes
Beige - aarr or aabbrr - chocolate gives a more delicate body color without changing eye color
Champaign - aapp - can be aammrr or aamomorr but eyes are darker
Blue - aagg - fewer dilutes give a darker blue
Sky Blue - aagg+unknown modifier - lighter than blue darker than powder blue
Powder Blue - aagg+unknown modifier - lightest of the blues but not as pale as Russian silver or Platinum
Chocolate - aabb - a black carrying lots of dilute can appear chocolate
Cocoa - aabbmm or aabbmomo - also noted as being aabbRr
Russian Blue - aarbrb - fewer dilutes gives a darker blue
Mink - aamm or aamomo - m=classic mink(UK mink) mo=mock mink(US mink)
*Havana - aammRr or aamomoRr
Plantinum - aaggmm+modifier or aaggmomo+modifier - usually from a powder blue or sky blue line - can als0 be aaggrr but will have ruby eyes
Blue-Beige - aarbrbrr per show standards - aaggrr is paler without heathering
Russian Dove - aarbrbmm - aarbrbmomo - aarbrbbb
Lilac - aabbggRr somethimes also mm or Mm - depends on club
Russian Silver - aaggrbrb
*Silver - aaggpp
Black-eyed White - H(e)H(e) breed for more white on a black eyed color
Pink-eyed White - cc (Albino) or H(e)H(e) on a ped color or for some groups 3+ dilutes
Any Other Color
Agouti - Aa or AA - A-Rr is supposed to give a more desirable shade - other dilutes make this color to cold or to muddy
Amber - A-pp - can be A-mmrr or A-momorr
Blue Agouti - A-gg - fewer dilutes gives a better color
Chinchilla - A- - with two copies of the chinchilla spotting gene and at least one copy of the fading yellow gene - no known self analog
Cinnamon - A-mm or A-momo
Cinnamon Pearl - A-mmPepe or A-momoPepe
Pearl - aammPepee or aamomoPepe
Lynx - A-bbggRr sometimes also mm or Mm - depends on club
Fawn - A-rr - not recommended to carry bb since it will lighten the body color
Russian Blue Agouti - A-rbrb - fewer dilutes gives a better color
Any Other Color Pattern
Seal Point Siamese - aac(h)c(h) can be A-
Blue Point Siamese - add gg
Russian Blue Point Siamese - add rbrb
*Mink Point Siames - add mm or momo
Himalayan - aac(h)c can be A-
*Blue Himalayan - add gg
*Russian Blue Himalayan - add rbrb
*Mink Himalayan - add mm or momo
Burmese - aac(h)c(h)Bu- can also be on a Himalayan or Albino but points will disappear
Wheaten - Aac(h)c(h)Bu-
Russian Blue Burmese - add rbrb to Burmese
Russian Blue Agouti Burmese - add rbrb to Wheaton
Merle - aamm or aamomo plus unknown modifier
*Black-eyed Siamese and Himalayans - any Siamese or Himalayan with at lease one copy of the Be gene
*Ivory - possibly a PEW plus at least one copy of the Be gene
At this point Silvered rats are only selfs (aa) and are shown in black, blue, chocolate, fawn, lilac and mink. It is caused buy unknown modifiers but could be technically bred in any color.
Marked -these marking can be on any of the above mentioned colors
English Irish
Irish - Hh(i)
Berkshire - Hh or HH(re) or Hh(e)
Essex - HH(ro)
Variegated -H(re)h(i) or H(e)h(i)
Dalmatian - H(ro)h(i) H(e)h(i) Or 1 copy Variegated, 2 copies Capped and a blaze either dominant or recessive. 2 copies when recessive. Some consider that:
H(re)h(i) or H(e)h(i) h(n)h(n) or h(e)h(e) + Blaze of your choice. The blaze addition adds the fading gene of 50/50 colored/white hairs on the head. Recessive Dals have more spots on the back. Dominant blazing Dals have litter or no spots on the back. Both look very different. But the defining feature of all Dals is the crown around the back of the head with 50/50 hairs. the spots do not define it. As dominant blazing dals usually do not have the spots. But can have very few. The "o" in some genetics sites indicates the 50/50 fading. But is not necessary to write down as the blaze is going to cause this anyway. It's not an extra modifier that needs to be added separately. Dominant blazing here is the safe one without SOX10. Another option is that people have added SOX10 into their dals, and it does in fact make a dal. But its risky and not needed as you can make them safely without it. It's not reccomended to breed that gene in.
Hooded - hh
Bareback - hh+unknown modifier or another type of h(-) gene
Capped - h(n)h(n) or h(e)h(e) - possibly h(n)h(e)
Masked - capped breed for more white - possibly a modifier
*Down Under - technically any marking gene plus the downunder modifier
*Roan - HHroro - no other marking genes
Odd eyed - can be in any color or marking above - genetics is unknown